Rocky Mountain WARRIOR Elk Call

Rocky Mountain WARRIOR Elk Call

Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls
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This call designed in conjunction with Rockie Jacobsen features the "NSU Frame". The NSU frame is designed so that the diaphragm sits with more comfort and up against the roof of your mouth. This gives the call premium control, tone, and fits a wider variety of palates than previous diaphragm designs. The NSU was designed with ease of use in mind at the forefront making it one of the easiest mouth diaphragms to use on the market. 

The Warrior diaphragm was designed with both the latex and dome recessed back to put your tongue in the correct position for ease of use. This call is designed for people who have a "Medium Low Profile Palate Plate" which provides a more comfortable fit allowing for more efficient use of the call.

The "NSU Palate Plate" elk diaphragm call is designed to be placed further forward in your mouth, behind your front teeth, this helps to prevent gagging and gives you easier control of the latex. To operate the call, place the "Palate Plate upwards to the roof of your mouth, latex down and open end of the diaphragm towards the front of your mouth.

Novice to Intermediate Level